Well the title obviates any need to tell what this post is all about. I just came from watching another classic movie by Vishal Bharadwaj named “dil toh bacha hain ji”. One of the most awaited movie of 2011 has somewhere down the line disappointed the audience. The abrupt ending took place when the movie really caught the audience’s attention. A movie starring Ajay Devgan is assumed to have woth against the inflating prices of tickets(excluding morning show).Other so called actors(Emraan Hashmi) was given the job at which he is naturally skilled. Chatur(as we know) was able to bring faint smile on the faces of audience. Now even after such a bad experience, I surprisingly liked the movie. One actor which took away all the credit was sensuous, callipygian & aphrodisiacal damsel beauty Nikki Narang aka Shruti Hasan
Carpe diem
Life is an act where the characters are made to decipher their script while enacting. The “F” word is still ambiguous & disturbs the equability of minds. I am not using double entendre but alluding to the word “Future”. Wherever we go, we see thousands & thousands of people running to make their so called “future“ better. They are surreptitiously being trapped in this beautiful reverie of living in a better state. I am not disparaging the dynamic & foresighted nature of human being but asking why to kill present exuberant moments at the cost of nurturing just one hope- a better tomorrow?
In my school days, I always used to contemplate that why people can’t accept the small packets of happiness bestowed upon us .Going on personal experiences, I felt elated when girl next to me used to give a glance. I was brimmed with joy whenever I got a chance to see topper of our class being scold. I always used to have an adrenaline rush whenever I got to see any tussle going on. I always bore a beaming smile whenever we had a free period. I always used to take a longer route just to have the glimpse of one of our seniors whose beauty was unbounded by evolution.
Obviously I am not condoning the very act of being childish & admiring beauty but the point is that why we admire the cacophony of machines & feel petulance when an infant cries? Why we have always been pelted with questions about our future, career prospective, marriage, salary et cetra? Why we are forced to capitulate against the uncertainty of future? Why people in developing countries are happier than in developed ones?
The milestones achieved in this endless race of better tomorrow have left nothing incriminating to doubt its vitality. Everyone seems to be in a hallucination with no one to trigger their minds. All over are people wallowed in this rat race where a giant cat is sauntering at finishing line.
Booming voice!!!
I recover from my reverie. Is this a vicious circle of materialism & insatiable nature of Mr Adam?Does that mean our life is no better than any animal trying to please his senses?
The answer is a blatant No. We students are expected to become sallow because of late night studies. We have always numerous eye balls raised towards us while talking about Science & Technology. But who will conceal the proxies, ad hoc style studies, beer cans in our room, cigarettes in drawer, the endless crushes, V- day celebrations, bars outside the campus & best of all- Bakar.
We, students, have always showed our society the right path for their glorifying future. They who say we can be moulded any way belittle what we did in past.
Who can understand better than us the saying- “enjoy the day and pluck when it is ripe”?
The value of youth participation is now recognized at levels ranging from the local community to the international arena. However, recognition is not the same as action, and progress in the area of practical implementation has been slow. Even in those countries that have achieved the most, participation remains at low levels and insufficiently integrated into all areas of young people’s lives.
Many organizations are still unconvinced that youth can play a leading or supportive role in helping them achieve their programme goals. Initiatives may be limited to seeking the views of young people on particular issues; their involvement in decision-making is rarely considered. Young people therefore remain uninformed about most democratic processes. Token participation is meaningless, as it does not empower young people to influence outcomes and achieve real change. The repetitive and widespread failure of the adult world to act in ways that promote the welfare of young people is well documented. Efforts must be made to listen to youth and engage them in the process of strengthening participatory democracy. Their involvement can lead to better decisions and outcomes. Participation promotes the well-being and development of young people, strengthens their commitment to and understanding of human rights and democracy, and provides them a form of protection; it also allows them to take part in decision-making processes. It is by questioning; expressing their views and having their opinions taken seriously that young people develop skills, build competencies, acquire confidence and form aspirations. It is a virtuous circle. The more opportunities a young person has for meaningful participation, the more experienced and competent he or she becomes. This allows more effective participation, which in turn enhances development.
Youth participation is an essential strategy for ensuring young people’s optimal development and for achieving wider development goals for society. The progress made to date in promoting participation should be sustained and enhanced. Youth participation must become an integral component of, local, national and international policies for youth, and should provide the framework for decisions and actions that affect the daily lives of children and young people. Only then will the traditional approaches towards youth begin to evolve and the oft-stated commitment to their participation begins to have meaning. The approach must promote respect for them as social actors, as agents in their own lives, and as citizens of their own societies.
. Young people have various opportunities to become active in processes as varied as the following:
• Research. Many examples exist of young people being provided with training as researchers and then undertaking independent investigations focusing on issues of direct concern to them.
• Programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation: young people share their views and experiences to help design and implement programmes that target their specific needs; by playing a key role in monitoring and evaluation, youth are able to help the programme meet its objectives and adjust to changing circumstances as necessary.
• Peer support, representation and advocacy. Young people are increasingly being provided with opportunities to elect or be elected by their own peers to serve as advocates, working with adult institutions to lobby for greater respect for their rights.
• Policy analysis and development. Many initiatives involve young people in reviewing existing legislation and policies from the perspective of their own experience.
• Participation in and use of the media. Young people have traditionally been excluded from active participation in the media, but in many countries they are receiving training as youth journalists, running their own radio programmes, developing video tools for the promotion of rights, and publishing journals and newsletters.
• Conference participation. Young people have participated in local, national and international conferences as organizers, speakers, delegates and reporters, often with significant impact on the outcomes of such events.
• Youth councils and parliaments. In a number of countries, young people have participated in the development of democratic political structures that parallel those of the adult world and provide opportunities to inform and influence key economic, social and political agendas.
It is important that young people are not pushed into replicating traditional adult models for democratic participation but are equipped to create new collaborative approaches. It is also important that youth-led organizations observe the principles of transparency, accountability, on-discrimination and mutual respect.