On a recent declaration by our noble prize winner Mr. Barack Obama,the cos outsourcing the jobs to other countries(especially developing countries) will be levied heavily with taxes as compared to other cos.According to him,by this he will be able to pull out the most developed country of this world USA from the current financial crisis.
Where has those promises,suggestions gone that US will lead the world out of crisis and to the situation where there will be high GDP rates,low inflation rate,more employment plus more basic infrastructure facilty.On the part of being the president it is justified to have his nation's interest at the top,but then he do not have right to claim US to be the saviour of any country.
From the Indian point of view,it may harm the economy in the short run as there will be immediate shortage of employment opportunities,but in the long run this will only be a small hault for this largest democracy in the race of not only GDP'S but nurturing our culture & focus on development of society as a whole.

3 idiots!!!1

We all must have seen the movie and for those who havent,should first watch it out.The basic difference b/w FPS and movie was the message which acc. to novel was to focus less on study and enjoy life whereas here your study should be enjoyable and at the same time pursue your interest which may be studies.In our system,as far as i know, focus on conventional ways of teaching which were invented when there were no gadgets,computers and highly infomed students.Today the system has been moulded in such a way that a student (especially engineering) does not know the basic principles of what he studied.How many of we really enjoy our study or in a broader way, our workplace? For if we choose the career or workplace of our interest we may not be a rich manbut at the same time wont be shrew too.Mind should be allowed to grasp knowledge of his liking,may it be sports,physics,bio or even so called light streams like philosophy,arts etc.Its not your carrer but your position in a particular carrer which matters.You should be a master of what are you doing,you may not be successfull but its your efort that is counted.At the same time,as i always said ,dnt do anything considering only your comforts,but society as a whole.